Chapter 2. Small Worlds and Large Worlds
The numpyro resolutions of this chapter exercises can be found here
In [ ]:
!pip install -q numpyro arviz
In [0]:
import os
import arviz as az
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import random
import numpyro
import numpyro.distributions as dist
import numpyro.optim as optim
from numpyro.infer import SVI, Trace_ELBO
from numpyro.infer.autoguide import AutoLaplaceApproximation
if "SVG" in os.environ:
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ["svg"]"arviz-darkgrid")
Code 2.1¶
In [1]:
ways = jnp.array([0.0, 3, 8, 9, 0])
ways / jnp.sum(ways)
Code 2.2¶
In [2]:
jnp.exp(dist.Binomial(total_count=9, probs=0.5).log_prob(6))
Code 2.3¶
In [3]:
# define grid
p_grid = jnp.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=20)
# define prior
prior = jnp.repeat(1, 20)
# compute likelihood at each value in grid
likelihood = jnp.exp(dist.Binomial(total_count=9, probs=p_grid).log_prob(6))
# compute product of likelihood and prior
unstd_posterior = likelihood * prior
# standardize the posterior, so it sums to 1
posterior = unstd_posterior / jnp.sum(unstd_posterior)
Code 2.4¶
In [4]:
plt.plot(p_grid, posterior, "-o")
plt.xlabel("probability of water")
plt.ylabel("posterior probability")
plt.title("20 points")
Code 2.5¶
In [5]:
prior = jnp.where(p_grid < 0.5, 0, 1)
prior = jnp.exp(-5 * abs(p_grid - 0.5))
Code 2.6¶
In [6]:
def model(W, L):
p = numpyro.sample("p", dist.Uniform(0, 1)) # uniform prior
numpyro.sample("W", dist.Binomial(W + L, p), obs=W) # binomial likelihood
guide = AutoLaplaceApproximation(model)
svi = SVI(model, guide, optim.Adam(1), Trace_ELBO(), W=6, L=3)
svi_result =, 1000)
params = svi_result.params
# display summary of quadratic approximation
samples = guide.sample_posterior(random.PRNGKey(1), params, sample_shape=(1000,))
numpyro.diagnostics.print_summary(samples, prob=0.89, group_by_chain=False)
Code 2.7¶
In [7]:
# analytical calculation
W = 6
L = 3
x = jnp.linspace(0, 1, 101)
plt.plot(x, jnp.exp(dist.Beta(W + 1, L + 1).log_prob(x)))
# quadratic approximation
plt.plot(x, jnp.exp(dist.Normal(0.61, 0.17).log_prob(x)), "--")
Code 2.8¶
In [8]:
n_samples = 1000
p = [jnp.nan] * n_samples
p[0] = 0.5
W = 6
L = 3
with numpyro.handlers.seed(rng_seed=0):
for i in range(1, n_samples):
p_new = numpyro.sample("p_new", dist.Normal(p[i - 1], 0.1))
p_new = jnp.abs(p_new) if p_new < 0 else p_new
p_new = 2 - p_new if p_new > 1 else p_new
q0 = jnp.exp(dist.Binomial(W + L, p[i - 1]).log_prob(W))
q1 = jnp.exp(dist.Binomial(W + L, p_new).log_prob(W))
u = numpyro.sample("u", dist.Uniform())
p[i] = p_new if u < q1 / q0 else p[i - 1]
Code 2.9¶
In [9]:
az.plot_density({"p": p}, hdi_prob=1)
plt.plot(x, jnp.exp(dist.Beta(W + 1, L + 1).log_prob(x)), "--")
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